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POWER Home Efficiency Grant Program

"Greg is really in your corner. Take advantage of this program."

POWER Client

Energy Efficient Homes for All Oberlin Residents

POWER is now offering more financial assistance than ever, thanks to annual grants from the City of Oberlin's Sustainable Reserve Fund (SRF). All Oberlin residents, including those who rent their homes, are eligible for POWER's FREE services.


Because of our nonprofit status & funding - POWER has the financial ability to help cover the cost of home weatherization (insulation and air sealing) for every Oberlin household. We can cover a minimum of 25% for all Oberlin residents, and up to 100% based on income and situation. Call Greg now to see how much you qualify for!

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Former POWER Chair Gene Matthews, Energy Advocate Greg Jones, and City of Oberlin Sustainability Manager Linda Arbogast

How Does it Work?

When you work with Energy Advocate Greg Jones to have an energy audit performed on your home, you automatically qualify for financial assistance that can cover a majority of the cost of weatherization from qualified local contractors.


Every Oberlin resident who schedules an audit and weatherization work through POWER can receive a Home Efficiency Grant. Grant awards are determined based on household size, income, and specific situation. That means that every Oberlin resident, regardless of household income alone, can and will receive funding assistance!

“When I got the quote in the mail [for weatherization], it was $3000 or something. With Greg working on it, it went from $3000 to $1000, and bottom line out of my pocket was $670-some dollars to have my house fully insulated – the attic, the walls, and the ceiling.”


    Jim Barlow, POWER client

***Sponsor Organizations***

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